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Jewels From Judy

Friday, March 09 2012

A Word Of Encouragement And Hope From The Father’s Heart To Yours: The Birthing
“There is a squeeze going on. Many feel like they have been put in a sieve. Remember when I told Peter that Satan desired to sift him as wheat, but I had prayed for his faith not to fail?
“I Am ever interceding for My Church to be overcomers I Am ever beckoning her to come to My Throne of Grace to receive mercy in time of need. My instruction is to comeboldly – not like abused, neglected or abandoned children who are fearful to approach their father. Come with confidence and know you are My prized possessions, My jewels, My flowers, My children! 
“The Cross provided for you an inheritance that is sure and stable. It doesn’t fluctuate like your Bear and Bull Markets. As I have told you, gold and silver will corrode and are subject to thieves, but to My kingdom there is no end. My jewels have gotten their eyes on the problems set before them and in their shortsightedness they have forgotten to magnify Me in their circumstances.
“There is no condemnation in My words. I don’t seek to condemn but to draw you near. Remember I inhabit the praises of My people – I abide in worship. You will and do sense My presence like no other time when you abandon yourself to worship Me in spirit and in truth. It may be a sacrifice to bring Me praise, but even though it feels like your guts will come out if you praise Me, there is no better time to offer it! That sacrifice comes up as sweet incense to My nostrils. The more difficult your circumstance, the sweeter the offering is to Me. I know it is your costly perfume. The testing of your faith is precious in My eyes.
“Come through the channel. Come through the keyhole. Come through the gate – the eye of the needle. Everything that binds you will be scraped off and you will run the race set before you unfettered. Embrace the work of the Cross (death of the flesh and its ways). Go through the birthing canal of My perfect will. Praise and worship Me in spirit and truth, and know that I Am interceding for you to receive the prize reserved just for you.
“I Am birthing something in you, My jewel! I Am birthing something of great and lasting value. No thief can steal it. Nothing can cause it to rot, rust or corrode. What I Am doing will last throughout time as your reward is everlasting. When Mary was told she would conceive a son, her response was for it to be done to her according to My will. She is your example in birthing something of Me! Let My will be done in your life!  Mary’s last recorded words were for the servants at the wedding at Cana to do whatever Jesus told them to do. You too are to hear His instruction.  In a parable Jesus taught there were two men who had built houses that were hit by terrible storms, but only one stood. This was likened to hearing His words and doing them. 
“You are in the canal. You are being birthed into My will. My will is perfect, so follow My lead.”
In My grace,
Abba Father
Scriptures To Ponder:
Luke 22:31, 32; Hebrews 7:25; 8:26; 4:16; Revelation 3:12; Matthew 6:19, 20; James 5:2, 3; Romans 2:4; 8:1-4; James 4:8; Psalm 22:3; 34:3; John 4:23, 24; Hebrews 12:1-3; 13:15; John 12:3; Galatians 2:19-21; 5:24; 6:14; Romans 6:6; Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 7:24-29; John 2:5; Hebrews 10:34-36; Second John 1:8
Ministry Note: If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please prayerfully consider partnering with us. The vision to share the Father’s love in both Eastern and Western Europe and re-dig the wells of inheritance there has never been stronger.  Our resolve to continue helping orphans is ever before us – there is so much need all the time. You may contribute online by credit card at or send a check or money order to:
The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries
P. O. Box 1573
Flowery Branch, GA 30542
May you be blessed in the Father’s love!
Sincerely your sister and co-laborer in Christ Jesus,
Rev. Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 12:05 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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