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Jewels From Judy

Thursday, September 19 2019
Mission Update: Sharing Fruit from the 7M Training in D.C.

Mission Update: Sharing Fruit from the 7M Training in D.C.

As I shared last month, the Lord prompted me to attend a training conference in D.C., and before I go any further, I want to thank each of you that sowed into the trip. It has meant a lot to me. I also want to thank those who prayed while I traveled. It was power-packed, and truly a life-changing weekend with speakers Dr. Lance and Annabelle Wallnau (7M), Mario Murillo, David Harris Jr., John Graves (Vision America), and Ohio’s former Congressman, Bob McEwen. Before each session, Steve Swanson singlehandedly led worship.

It’s taken me awhile to write you this update because I have been debriefing and processing the information. It’s been like trying to digest an elephant! There’s so much to share, but I want to keep this simple. With that said, let me give you a snippet of what each of these speakers shared and my thoughts on the matter.

  • Lance Wallnau spoke on several topics, but mostly how the Body of Christ can walk AS ONE to make great change. (Something intensely powerful happened when he had us say, “AS ONE” in unity!) We walk AS ONE by knowing our calling, developing our strengths, and helping others to do the same. We need to know why we believe what we do so that we can defend our beliefs. Standing by and watching our rights erode the way they have is unacceptable!
    In the past, I’ve shared a vision I had of God’s people (the Ekklesia) arising in unity, AS ONE, walking boldly throughout the earth. We must have the mind of Christ, which was in line with what Lance and the others taught at this monumental conference. I feel as though a heavy veil has been lifted off me, and I have clearer vision and direction! Something he said keeps ringing in my ears and that is to prophesy to nations. This is a direction the Lord is shifting me to by moving my focus to impact media.

  • Annabelle shared her heart for single parents and their children.
    One of her stories reminded me of when my supporters chipped in and we bought triple decker bunkbeds for orphans in a Ugandan school. One boy interviewed on a return trip commented with a cheeky grin, “We used to sleep on the dirt floor, but now we sleep like kings and queens in beds!” Annabelle does this closer to home and is something to consider.

  • Mario Murillo, who is a prolific blogger, really blessed me when addressed us saying, “God is not going to let America go without a fight! He is looking for us to obey His voice.” Mario and his wife, Mechelle, have a street ministry that even the boldest of us would fear to tread. They obviously have some serious angels around them! I want to encourage you to sign up for his posts, as he has powerful insight!
    My take, we must learn how to HEAR GOD and OBEY HIM. Something the Lord has made clear during this time is that I am to write and teach others how to discern the voice of the Lord. We only need to read 1 Sam 3:4-9 to know it doesn’t come naturally.

  • David Harris Jr. shared his testimony and the importance of our praying in the Spirit to receive insight. Interestingly, as I walked to the networking luncheon afterward, I met a young man involved in politics in DC. He explained his field, but I was at a loss as to how this could be a divine appointment for either of us – until I learned he had never prayed in the Spirit! I told him that I was completely confident that he would receive his prayer language before he got up from the table.  As it happened, we sat across from David Harris Jr., and I shared with him something Tim Sheets teaches, and that is when we pray in the Spirit it is, “GOD’S NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE” language! I asked David to agree with me and pray for the young man. I leaned over and told the politically ambitious, and well-educated seeker that receiving his prayer language was going to be the easiest thing he’s ever done. Right then after I gave him a bit of instruction, he began praying in the Spirit! YAY GOD! Then David spoke to the entire room of about 150 people, and he brought up our conversation. He asked if anyone there wanted prayer for this gift, and as it turned out there were quite a few others that did! Saints around each table were happy to pray with them. It was truly a blessing to see so many receive this beautiful gift from the Holy Spirit, and all while relaxed at lunch! As it turned out, two at my table received their prayer language! Don’t you love how God does that?
  • John Graves with Vision America may not have spoken long, but some statistics he shared have deeply impacted me. Vision America is a movement aimed at sparking spiritual awakening that will engage, mobilize, and empower churches, their pastors and their congregations to fulfill civic responsibility with the goal that our nation turns in prayerful submission to the Lordship of Christ.
    Again, this speaks to me about prophesying to nations. I pray to wake the sleeping church to ARISE, SHINE! Jesus taught we are to “do business” (occupy) the earth until His return. If we will unite AS ONE and shine God’s light into the darkness, there is no way our Christian rights can be stripped from us. The question is, will we?

  • Bob McEwen, a pro-family/free market advocate, is an excellent communicator and gave a powerful presentation on the facts of the founding of the United States of America. I encourage you to do a quick google search and investigate what he teaches, as well as these other speakers. They will give you ammunition to arm yourself with the facts!

There has been a spiritual shift, and I would imagine you have sensed it, or at least heard ministers from different streams writing and speaking about it too. I believe we are not just entering a new spiritual season, but we have entered a new Kingdom Era. We are in a transformational time in the kingdom of God, and He is looking for those who see the importance of investing in extra oil. We are going to need it! The foolish virgins called Jesus “Lord” but didn’t think they needed to invest their time, energy, or resources to buy extra oil for their lamps. As a result, they were locked out of the kingdom. Jesus went as far as to say that He didn’t know them! This is a serious warning from Scripture.

I pray we take and honest look at our involvement with family, business, what we listen to/are involved with in the arts and entertainment industry, what we read, hear, and share through media, learn in our ongoing education, and how we deal with political issues and matters of our faith in Christ.

Please feel free to write me; I would love to hear any comments or questions you have.  

Many blessings in the Father’s Love,

Judy A Bauman 




Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 01:26 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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