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Jewels From Judy

Thursday, July 28 2022

Jewels from Judy: Abide and Fulfill Your Destiny In Christ

Judy A Bauman

July 28, 2022

Abide and Fulfill Your Destiny In Christ

This morning I asked the Lord what the banner is over The Father’s Love Int’l Fellowship. He showed me a flag and it read “ABIDE.”

The Holy Spirit then gave me this word to share:
“As you abide in My love, you will see Me in people and situations. You will see My hand of protection. You will see My love flow through you to others.

“You think where you are at now is all I have for you, this is your lot in life, but I say to you to enlarge your tent pegs. My lovingkindness will not be removed from you and My covenant of peace will not be shaken. I shall embrace you with My compassion and in righteousness, I will establish you. Do not look to the right or to the left but abide under My wing as I am your dwelling place.

“I am the Searcher of your heart. I know you have loved Me. You have known My name. You will call on Me and I will answer you. I will be with you in times of trouble, so never doubt or believe the lies of your enemy, the serpent of old, that I have abandoned you. I will be with you, and I will uphold you by My mighty and righteous right hand.

“Let My peace rule in your heart, mind, soul, and spirit. Fulfill your ministry of reconciliation. As My ambassador, know wherever you go you are to reconcile others to Christ. Finish your race strong and receive the crown of life.”
Forever Your,

King Jesus

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 01:53 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, July 05 2022

Jewels from Judy: Harmonize with My Lovingkindness

Judy A Bauman

An exhortation from the Father: Harmonize with My Lovingkindness

“How many people in the world right now are focused on politics and what politicians can do for them? How many are focused on Me and what I can do for them? I will tell you, very few.

“Even those who say they trust in Me have actually placed their hopes and plans in what ‘their’ politicians can do for them. While I want you to vote because it is a privilege I endorse, I do not want your heart and soul caught in a web of misdirection. Upon what path have I set your feet? What eternal consequence does any election have? Your integrity is attached to My name – the name of Jesus. When people you have tried to share My love with seeing you ranting on and on about an election, you are tarnishing My name. You are dragging My name into an arena of your choosing, not Mine.

“Everything is permissible, dear one, but not everything is profitable. You have the freedom to speak your mind, but if your words do not edify the one hearing, then you are not in harmony with My will on earth. This disharmony does not reveal My intentions nor does it convey the truth of My word. Being contentious is rooted in pride that you are right and others are wrong. You are saying that you know what is best, but you are mistaken. Only I know what is best for you, your nation, and the world. Seek My counsel in this matter instead of looking for those who agree with your position and contending with those who don’t. Are their eternal souls worth so little to you?

“Lay down your battle-ax, beloved, and pick up My word. Don’t be like a loud gong, or a note played out of key. Harmonize your words and deeds with My lovingkindness and see what I do.”

Lovingly your,

This word was given to me in April 2016 and was released at that time. I edited it because of a couple of typos, but I happened on it today and I believe it really speaks into this time in history just as much as it did in 2016. jb

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 04:14 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, April 27 2022

Jewels from Judy: Come, Sit At My Table
Judy A Bauman

A word of exhortation from the Lord: Come, Sit At My Table

“Many of My beloved ones are asking Me questions about their own spiritual hearts’ condition. Unfortunately, many who have called themselves by My name have never known Me. They eat from the table of the Pharisees and Sadducees and wonder why their prayers hit the ceiling and bounce back. They are puffed up by the teachings of the industrial church, the denominations that mix a little bit of scripture with a lot of opinion and false teaching. Some go as far as to indoctrinate their sheep into the doctrines of devils and mislead millions with itchy ears – hearing what they want to hear and dying in their sin thinking it’s okay with Me.

“Because many leaders are building their own kingdoms, judgment sits at their door. The blood of Jesus is not on the doors of their hearts, and because I am far from their thoughts, they are vulnerable prey for the kingdom of darkness.

“Like the seven churches in Revelation, the warnings in My messages must be taken seriously:

  • “Remember your First Love and do the deeds you did in the beginning. Repent and you will eat of the fruit of life!
  • “Do not fear what you are about to suffer. You will be tested. You will go through tribulation. Be faithful and receive your crown.
  • “Repent for embracing the teachings of the world's lascivious immorality and stop receiving it in your home and church. Do not bless what I curse and do not curse what I bless, or the sword of My word will come against you. Repent and I will give you a new name and feed you from My table.
  • “Stop being tolerant of prophets who lead you away from Me. Do you not see the spirit of control, intimidation, and manipulation at work? Why would you listen and even take on that wicked spirit with all My warnings about immoral behavior? Will you commit idolatry, which is adultery to Me? Repent and I will reward your deeds. Holdfast, stand firm, overcome and I will give you authority over the nations!
  • “Wake up! Have I not instructed to strengthen that which is weak? Remember who you are in Me. Repent and keep true to what you have heard, and I will give you white clothing to cover your nakedness. Do not cause your name to be erased from the Lamb’s Book of Life!
  • “I have given you the keys of David. There is a door, an open door before you. It is a door of opportunity. Will you walk through it? If you refuse, I will shut the door and it will remain locked. If you go through, I will preserve you from the hour of testing which is being poured out upon the earth. I am testing you, My people, so that no one can steal your crown. When you overcome, you will become a pillar in My house, My holy city, which will come down from heaven. Have I not revealed this fact?
  • “Shake off the cold-heartedness and spit out the lukewarm teachings that come from teachers who tickle your ears. Burn with hot love for Me! Stop looking at your wealth or lack of it. Stop looking merely to government programs to feed and clothe you when the promises I have given you are so much richer! I have gold that has been purified. I have the finest clothing. I have oil to heal your blindness. Seek Me for your needs, for I am a jealous God. I bring correction to those I love, and the fruit that you will bear will be peace, joy, and love for being trained by My hand.

“Open the door of your heart to Me and let Me come inside and dine with you. Take My Supper, the Lord’s Supper, in memory of My passionate love for you. Take the Bread that came down from heaven which was given for you. I am in you, and you are in Me. Take and eat! Take My cup! It is not My wrath or judgment that I desire for any. This is why I am slow in My coming. I want all – ALL – to repent! I desire none to be lost. Drink deeply of My love for you and know that I will never fail you. Stay close and hear what the Spirit of the Living God is saying to you each day.”

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 04:39 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, March 20 2022

Jewels from Judy: It’s Time to Cross Over, Trust Me!
Judy A Bauman

A strong word from the Father concerning the revival of the Church and His promises fulfilled. 

It's Time to Cross Over, Trust Me!

“It’s time to cross over, My children, but heed the warning I gave to Israel before they went into the Promised Land. Follow My instructions and do not get ahead of Me! When they followed My leading, even when it did not make sense in the natural, the Walls of Jericho miraculously came down! The fortified walls of the enemy are no match for Me and My heavenly hosts! The enemy may have had many parts and pieces come together for the ‘Curse Bomb’[1] to be successful when it was launched in 2019, but the explosive power of My blessings will overtake his worldwide curse like a tsunami.

“You must know where you are to take your stand in this time of great change. While the enemy has made it look like he is winning, I assure you that I Am so far ahead of him that he is blinded by the dust left in My wake! My plan was already put into motion long before he was created, so do not buy into his rhetoric. Trust Me!

“Consider the rebuilding of My city, Jerusalem as is written in the book Nehemiah. See how each builder faithfully took his place and rebuilt and repaired the wall and gates. The enemies of Israel mocked, ridiculed, threatened them in fierce anger, and did everything to discourage the rebuilding. They tried to coerce and deceive Nehemiah to sin against Me, but he did not hide like a coward where he knew he had no right to be. The enemy plotted to murder the builders, so they built with one hand and defended with the other. My people listened to Nehemiah’s wisdom and kept trumpeters nearby so when the enemy came, the others would rush to their defense. In coming together, they overcame and finished the project even though they were under great distress!

“In many cases, the Church has become so competitive with one another that the common goal of the Kingdom of God, to ‘Go make disciples,’ has been neglected and even forsaken. Some have completely forgotten the mandate given her. Pastors and leaders, I speak to you. This is not about growing ‘your’ church, it’s about growing My kingdom! I desire to work in your midst, but if you hold onto your flock as if you were the one who died for their sins, you are building your own kingdom. If you are jealous of other pastors’ success or rejoice in their failure, that is conduct unbecoming a leader who is called by My name. This is NOT a competition! Do not forget how far I have brought you, and remember, My body is large and not confined to any individual vision.”

“If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.”
1 Corinthians 12:26 ESV

"You are looking at a gate, a place where I have called you to build, but it is not the whole city. LOOK! Open your eyes and see. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. One reason there are ‘few’ is because some leaders are heaping disciples to themselves. I have called apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Leaders are to raise up the Body to walk the earth and bring in the harvest. Send them out when I call them. Just because they leave you does not mean they have forsaken Me. Again I say, if you raise disciples to only serve you, you are building your own kingdom. This is made evident when you won’t release them without a fight. This should not be.

"Remember in Nehemiah, the people were counted, every tribe and family mentioned. I know My beloved ones by name and where I have called them to be, so do not get between Me and them. That is a dangerous place for you to be found! Do not be stubborn and unwilling to be trained and disciplined by My hand. I discipline those I love. Do you feel convicted? Repent quickly or your lampstand will be removed. Encourage those I send to you and do not prohibit them from their place on the wall – train, equip, and bless them when they go. Do this in front of the congregation so that more will want to follow My leading to go where I Am sending them.

“If you will do this, then the true revival you desire will come to your house. Have you not heard? I desire revival fire all around the earth. It is time! However, you must be willing to release My chosen ones into the field where I have called them and not hoard them to yourself. Hoarders will not be allowed to take part in this amazing harvest coming in your day. Join hands with other leaders, and if you have a hatchet, bury it![2] Reconcile and be restored if it is possible. If it is not possible, forgive, shake the dust off your feet, and release the relationship to Me. I will then move you into the true kingdom work that I have called you to do.

“If you have heard My voice, but the one who gives you pastoral care is holding you to themselves, be like Abraham and leave the land of your father and go to the place I show you. You will be blessed for obeying me as will many others.

“Beloved, if you build My house, build My people, you will Cross Over and see My promises fulfilled. Trust Me!”

Scriptures to consider: The Book of Nehemiah, particularly chapters 3-6,
Isaiah 51:7-11, Joshua 3:14-17 Hebrews 11:30; John 1:1-5, 14, 2 Kings 6:14-17, 2 Sam 5:22-25; Ephesians 4:11-16; Hebrews 12:1-11; Romans 12:18; Luke 9:5, Genesis 12:1-3

(Quick-link does not include the book of Nehemiah. I highly recommend you read it! It is so rich!)

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 09:03 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, March 18 2022
 Bound to Unforgiveness

Jewels from Judy: Bound to Unforgiveness
Judy A Bauman
A vision in the night followed by a word from the Lord: Bound to Unforgiveness


In a vision of the night, I saw a woman sitting in Sheol. I knew she was a professing Christian, so I was greatly troubled to see her in hell. She sat in a gloomy corner looking dejected and tormented. As I looked closer, I saw a shadowy figure lurking in the darkness to her left. My attention was then drawn to her wrist. As she pulled her hand forward, she looked at me with hopeless eyes. I could see that she was handcuffed to the menacing figure. In life, this man had been her abuser.

Shocked, I asked the Lord why she was there. Just then, I heard what she had said while she was still alive. She said, “I can forgive anything, but I can’t forgive THAT!!!” Because she had refused the Lord’s repeated promptings to forgive him, she was forever chained to the memory of what he had done. I also knew that if this person had repented before God, forgiveness and salvation had come, but because she did not forgive him, she was not forgiven.

I awoke and the Lord said that this scene is a warning to those still living in unforgiveness to an abuser. This is what He said:

“Child, I love you. You are Mine and no one can take you away from Me. You are given the choice to walk with Me or not, but no one can take you from Me. Again I will tell you I love you.

“You have doubted this because of the “dark thing” that happened, but I was there and saw and wept with you. It did not go unnoticed or unpunished. Release forgiveness as it will free you. Right now, you are chained to that which you hate, but as you forgive the chains will drop off. You will be as the three men in the fiery furnace – you will come out with only the ropes that bound you burned. You will not smell like smoke and no hair on your head will be singed.” (See Daniel 3) “Trust Me, Beloved, trust Me. Forgive and gain your freedom.”


The Lord gave me very specific directions about releasing this word to the church. I believe this woman was symbolic of every believer, regardless of gender, that has withheld forgiveness. It was her act of unforgiveness that caused her bondage. This did not mean God could not have forgiven the abuser, but that she was in bondage to unforgiveness. This is about her and not him. “Vengeance is Mine,” says the Lord.

If there is a person you will not forgive, then the warning of this vision and this word is for you. If you have been praying and asking the Lord why you have felt so far from Him, He is telling you right now. Do not think this is for someone else when you know there is someone you refuse to forgive for what they did to you. Please read the Lord’s priceless words in Matthew 6:14-15; 7:21-27; 18:21-35 and Luke 23:34. There are many more examples, but read these Scriptures, release forgiveness, and walk away free! It is the key that unlocks the chain! Jesus is praying for you right now. He will set you free. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 03:09 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, March 07 2022

Jewels from Judy: FIRE OF HOPE

A Vision Followed By A Word From The Lord

Friends, I first shared this in March 2009 and believe it is important for our times. I pray it blesses you.

In the Father’s love,
Judy A Bauman



FIRST: I saw myself standing in the middle of a room with words that were strung together circling my head. As they were going around me, some would go in my ear and through my head and then out of my mouth. They were words of every kind - words of encouragement and words of life; words of criticism and death. The words that I took in, whether good or bad, eventually came out of my mouth.

The words of encouragement, comfort, and edification were from the kingdom of God and brought forth life. They originated from faith, hope, and love and came from the One who loves me.

The words of criticism, condemnation, and discouragement were rooted in fear and originated from the kingdom of darkness. They brought forth death and discontentment. The words of death were determined to bring havoc and confusion and were from the one who hates not only me but everyone, as we are made in God's image.

SECOND: I saw myself begin to dance in flames of the love of God. As I danced, all of the words caught on fire. Those of Satan's domain were burnt up and created a sickly green flame accompanied by a strong odor of sulfur; but the words of the Lord were on fire with flames of yellow, orange, red, and blue. These words were not consumed by the fire, and their flames danced with the rhythm of the music. They gave off a wonderful lasting scent of flowers and delightful herbs.

A VOICE CAME OUT OF THE FLAME that I was dancing in and said, "In Me is faith, hope, peace, and love. I Am the Flame of Hope. I burn away anxiety, oppression, fear, confusion, condemnation, doubt, worry, discouragement, distraction, and critical words."

All the words were aflame. The words of death were completely destroyed. However, those that were of the Lord were not consumed. Like the burning bush was with Moses - direction, purpose, and destiny came forth from the flame.

"Dance in the fire of My love and let Me burn up everything that is not of Me and let Me leave everything else ablaze with the Fire of Hope."

INSIGHTS: One thing I felt cautioned about was if I did not resist and oppose the words of death, they would end up coming out of my own mouth. As the Lord spoke the world into existence, I felt warned that speaking words of death would bring destruction in my life and the lives of those around me. I also sensed the words of life I spoke would bring great blessings to me and to all touched by my words.

This was not as much about me as it was the Church, the Body of Christ, whom I represented in this vision.

Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

Other Scripture References to consider where speaking is concerned: Exodus 3; Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Acts 2:3, 4; First Corinthians 3:11-15; Hebrews 10:24-27; 12:25-29, Matthew 12:33-37, 15:18; First Peter 4:11; James 3:10; Genesis 1


Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 04:41 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, February 06 2022

Jewels from Judy: Charlatans Have Entered My House

Judy A Bauman

“Charlatans have entered My house! Some of the watchmen have failed to see the hirelings who have breached their walls. The fog of deception is so thick; the shepherds have not seen that they themselves have unwittingly opened the gate to thieves. They have not even been alerted by the words the sooth-sayers speak in private – words of slander and gossip and mistrust. Even violent vengeful words are overlooked as ‘passion’. They have allowed them to come into My house and ignore them ravaging My sheep. I hear the sheep, which I have placed under their care, bleating in My ears. They cry out for help, but the charlatans have gained favor with these leaders. The very ones who are given authority to expose and deal with the wolves, have not only embraced their lies, but they are propagating them.

“The enemy is subtle and deceptive and knows where My watchmen have been wounded in the past. He has sent in charlatans to distract and provoke them to speak from their wounds and offenses. I understand that in days past, some suffered false accusations, but understand that charlatans are using that information to work the leaven of the Pharisees and of Herod into some ministries. These are ministries that have heard clearly from Me in the past, so their reputation keeps them in front of the multitudes. I advise them to remove the leaven that puffs up and distorts what I Am is saying in this day. As I told the church at Sardis, wake up and strengthen that which remains. Strengthen that which is weak.

“Remember what you have received and heard and repent for prophesying from the ‘Intel’ received from the charlatans. Do not prophesy and use each other’s words to ‘confirm’ what I Am saying when I have not spoken to you. Keep true to the mandate given you. Stop calling conspiracy what others are calling conspiracy. Only address what I am calling you to address. I am more concerned with what is happening in My house than all the evil in the enemy’s camp.

“Do you recall how many Israelites it took to rebuild the walls and gates of Jerusalem? Even Nehemiah, who was overseeing the project, could only be in one place at a time. The enemy has some of you thinking you are to be on multiple walls at a time while also guarding the gates. However, this will dilute your ministry, and it will become as ineffectual as a hammer driving a nail into the dirt. The thief seeks to do this not only to the ministry I gave you but also to your physical body. So beware!

“I have given you specific assignments and skills. I have gifted you for particular purposes. Will you continue to think so highly of yourself because of the gifts I have given, that you will run (mind, body, and soul) to and fro, wildly waving your arms thinking you are warning My sheep when you are only repeating the grandiose tales of the charlatan and bringing a sense of hopelessness to the Body? Are you not called to be a voice of hope found in Christ?

“My first apostles had assignments and followed My Holy Spirit as to where to and when to go. They perceived where I was sending them, as well as when I was prohibiting them from going into an area. I exhort you, My watchman, to go back to the blueprints I gave you at first and do those things. Go back and study the plans and share the GOOD NEWS! The anointing I gave you is not for your own edification, but for those whom I’ve called you to impart all My Holy Spirit can give. So don’t confuse your anointing with My desire for them.

“Pray to Me to recognize the charlatans and ask Me if you have embraced and pulled one or more close to your bosom. Some of you have pulled them so close you don’t see they have wrapped themselves around you so tightly that they will soon devour you! Take the sword of the Spirit, which is My word, to free yourself from the wicked one before you are consumed! This is a spiritual battle, so it must be fought and won by My Spirit. Pray for MY discernment. If you look closely, you will see a trail of body bags left in the charlatan’s wake. Investigate whether an accusation presented to you is true or false. Do not assume either way. Do not go by a vague confirmation, but look for tangible evidence. I will expose it and show you, but these are experts at the art of deception, so you must carefully watch and listen.

“Remember, you are to equip the Body for the work of the ministry, so do not use My beloved as steppingstones for yours. Do not build a ministry that becomes a ‘monument to man,’ for that will be your only reward. To whom much is given, much is required. You think you are awake, but if you mock those whom you deem asleep, you yourself are deceived and asleep. You mock My sheep because you think they are forsaking the fellowship and rejecting your leadership, but what many of them are really doing is hiding in Me! Do not sit in the seat of mockers and the scornful. My sheep hear My voice and know I Am their Ever-present help in times of trouble.

“Repent and return to your First Love, Christ Jesus, or I shall remove your lampstand. Those whom I love I reprove and discipline. Repent and be zealous for Me anew. Be ready to punish your disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.

“He who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the watchman and shepherds,”

The Lord of the army of angels



Personal note: It is with fear and trembling that I submit this word to the watchmen and the shepherds, the leaders of God’s house. Though the Lord used masculine pronouns when giving me this word, this appeal is for both men and women who serve the Lord in this capacity. I believe this is a kairos Joshua 5:13-15 moment for many in the ministry!

char·la·tan (shär′lə-tən) n. A person who makes elaborate, fraudulent, and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge; a fraud.

Website link: 


Scripture references:

2 Tim 3:2-4, 16; John 10:7-14; Jer 10:21-24; 23:1-4; Matt 24:4-5; Gen 3:1; Rev 3:2-3; Is 8:11-13; Neh 3; 1 Cor 5:4-8; Ps 107:25-32; Rom 12:3; Matt 7:21-27; Col 1:24-29; Acts 10:19-20, 16:6; 1 Cor 9:16; Jer 29:11; Rev 12:9; 1 Peter 5:8; Eph 6:17; Eph 4:11-13; 1 Tim 5:19-20; Luke 12:48

Ps 46:1; Ps 1:1;Ps 32:7-8. Heb 10:23-25; Heb 12:11; Rev 3:17-22; 2 Cor 10:3-6;


Scripture links:




Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 10:17 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, February 04 2022

Jewels from Judy: The Currency of Heaven

Judy A Bauman

The Currency of Heaven: An Exhortation from the Father

When I inspire a person, and they receive it, there is life released through and in what they do. I have given mankind great abilities. While some may take credit for themselves, those who give Me glory for what they do, I will breathe life into them and give them more.

I am looking for people who will allow Me to inspire them. I am looking for people who will receive the training of the world, yet not be tainted by godless teachers. I can take one’s training and magnify it by bringing great ideas and inventions to solve problems and bring relief to the orphan and widow.

When greed arises, and those ideas are used for selfish reasons, it causes trouble. The greed of man cannot produce the righteousness of God. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Your presence is the currency of heaven. THAT is what is most valuable to Me. Come listen and hear what I have to tell you. Come eat and drink my food and water, My wine, My milk; eat My honey and be refreshed in My presence.

  • Allow Me to instruct you
  • Allow Me to feed you
  • Allow Me to lead you on My path
  • Come and listen
  • Hear My words spoken to your heart
  • I will give you rest
  • I will give you strength for the day

The solutions you seek to the questions you ask will be given to you when you do.

I Am waiting for you,

Four years ago, I shared the first sentence of this word on Facebook. In the comments, I read that it was the beginning of a word the Lord gave me. I had to search a bit to find it, but it blessed me anew and I hope it does you too! 

Jeremiah 29:12-14a Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 09:35 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, January 18 2022


Judy A Bauman

A Warning for the Church: The Electrical Outlet

In a vision, I was looking at the inside of a church from the entrance toward the sanctuary, down the aisle, and toward the platform. At the front of this empty church, between the two front pews, and in front of the Communion Table dangled an electrical outlet. It was suspended in the air from a gray, 1 inch thick, flexible conduit. Heavy electrical wire came into the top right side of the electrical box and exited the bottom left side.

I saw a man's hand holding a large extension cord in his left hand and he reached up to plug it into the dangling outlet with his right hand. The outlet only twisted and turned away from him. He tried this repeatedly with no success. Discouraged, he finally turned and walked away sad and frustrated.

I asked the Lord what this short vision meant. As I prayed, the scene replayed in my mind. I noticed that the outlet was not affixed. It just dangled there in mid-air and was not firmly anchored into the structure of the church. Because it was not installed correctly, any pressure applied to the outlet caused it to twist and turn and no one was there to help hold it in place. There wasn't enough stability to allow the person to plug in their extension cord. It was also above his head, so it wasn’t easy to reach.

I believe what the Lord was showing me is the outlet represented the power of Holy Spirit that is available to the believer, but leaders in the Church were keeping people from Him. Jesus said of them in Matt 23:13 “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. For you neither enter yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in.

The man represented a believer’s desire to get plugged into God's power and authority to gain a greater understanding of His ways. The Holy Spirit, seen as the Electrical Outlet, was in the front of the church and near the Communion Table, but He wasn't given a firm place there. He was not anchored in the church, and He was not easily accessible. The believer understood this was the POWER SOURCE for the church but regrettably couldn’t plug into it.

Currently, I believe this vision speaks into why many churches are not experiencing growth or are altogether failing. If the Holy Spirit of God is kept out of reach and not given a firm foundation to which people can plug into and get charged up, they will get discouraged and leave.
It deeply grieved me when I saw him walk away looking so dejected.

Unless the Holy Spirit is given a secured place in the church to love, save, guide, teach, build, confirm, comfort, empower, fill, speak, renew, bear witness, convict, sanctify, anoint, correct, heal, counsel, rebuke, send, and give hope to the believers - that church will not be permitted to experience lasting growth. Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken and that shaking begins in the church. Amen.

This vision was shown to me in 1998, but recently it came to mind and as I read the vision, I knew I was to share it with you. I believe it carries a kairos message for the church and her leaders because this is what has happened recently to many of them. I pray when people come seeking fellowship with a Body of believers, they will be able to plug into the power of God and His wonderful ways. I pray those seekers will find Him in our midst.

In the Father’s Love,
Judy A Bauman

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 04:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, December 27 2021
Will You Listen for the Answer?

Jewels from Judy: Will You Listen for the Answer?
Judy A Bauman

Sitting in the Secret Place, journal and pen in hand, I fight distractions and seek the Lord. His still small voice begins to speak to my heart. It is not just a message for me, but for you too!

Will You Listen for the Answer?
I have the answers to every prayer if My beloved Church will stay with Me long enough to hear them. Most calling themselves Christians pray, and then go about their day not realizing that while they want an answer to their prayer, they have not stopped talking long enough to listen for it. You cannot hear an answer if you are always the one speaking. Being still is how you hear the answer to your prayers. Do you want answers? Of course you do, and My heart longs to give them to you!


“While I do understand the pulls of the world, time must be set aside for prayer offered with thanksgiving and praise. This is when you see what I Am showing you. Ideas will come, answers will manifest themselves, and My peace will guide you. Answers will come more readily, and when you need them, if you wait until I have released you from the secret place. Make time for Me! I will give you My peace and will provide what you need; however, you must tarry with Me.

“People get to the point where they are desperate for answers. Since they won’t wait for Me to release them from a place of prayer, they run to and fro trying to find answers from friends, relatives, co-workers, clergy, and worse, the internet and media.

“My Word instructs you for a purpose. While I do work through others, My remnant must first learn to tarry with Me. The anointing I placed in you through My Holy Spirit will be in agreement with the solution. Be still and know I Am God.

“Continually tell My Church that in order for them to receive answers, they must seek My face and be still and know I Am God. As they do, the shakings of this age will pass through them. I will tell each of you where to go, whether to the right or to the left, and what to do. I will give answers. I will build My temple with those willing to be My fellow-workers. Those whose work remains will receive a reward. That is My promise.

“The kingdom of God is not just words but the power of My Holy Spirit. All other power is counterfeit and seeks its own will. Hide yourself under the shadow of My wing. I Am your Refuge and your Fortress. Make Me your dwelling and you shall not be afraid.”
Your Abba

This “Jewels from Judy” post is adapted from an encounter I wrote about in my first book, Jewels from the River, All-Consuming Fire. I pray it is a blessing to you as you seek Him in the coming year.

Scripture references:
 Habakkuk 2:2-3

 Psalm 46:10

 Ephesians 4:14-15

 Isaiah 30:21; Matthew 7:7; 1 John 2:27

 John 14:30

 Isaiah 30:21

 1 Corinthians 10:15

 1 Corinthians 4:20

 2 Samuel 22:1-3; Psalm 91:1-9; Isaiah 41:10

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 01:31 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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